Our 3D CAD supplier models have been moved to 3Dfindit.com, the new visual search engine for 3D CAD, CAE & BIM models.
You can log in there with your existing account of this site.
The content remains free of charge.
The PLM/ERP system exports a CSV file.
Specify the location of this file.
The placeholder <date> is automatically replaced by the current date.
You can define the desired start line (1 for the first, 2 for the second, 3 for the third,...).
You can work with fixed column width or with a certain separator:
Optionally enter a text delimiter.
If " shall be used as text delimiter, then you have to prefix an escape character such as backslash.
Key "ProcessLine" - Exclude certain lines from takeover
At very large CSV files and/or in the case that many lines are not to be used, you can exclude lines from takeover.
If a line shall be ignored, which contains the value "STEEL" in the column 3, then state the following:
If only that lines shall be overtaken, which contain the value "STEEL" in the column 3, then state the following:
You can join together several conditions.
Each logical operator (AND,OR,XOR,…) can be used.
If only that lines shall be overtaken, which contain the value "STEEL" or "GOLD" in the column 3, then state the following:
ProcessLine=row.cells.item(2).value="STEEL" OR row.cells.item(2).value="GOLD"
Create missing datasets in the link database without link in the ERPTABLE
Advantage: At a later call up the META data are available at once.
Disadvantage: Possibly many unnecessary datasets are created.
Exclude certain columns from update - if the CSV value is empty
List the respective columns comma separated.