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4.10.2.  Ignore custom set values for the combobox - Key "USERDIALOG_SKIPDBLOAD"

By default, both the values specified in material_assign.cfg and the custom set values of the table are shown in the combobox list.

If you want to exclude the custom set values of the table for specified database fields, do the following:

  1. In erpcustom.cfg -> Block [VARS], set the key USERDIALOG_SKIPDBLOAD.

  2. As values specify the desired databases fields


1. USERDIALOG_SKIPDBLOAD=MAT_NAME -> The "Material" combobox is only filled with the config values. Table values are ignored.

2. USERDIALOG_SKIPDBLOAD=MAT_NAME,LOC1 -> The "Material" and the "Location 1" comboboxes are only filled with the config values. Table values are ignored.