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2.2.3. Intelligent placement for standard parts

As of PARTsolutions V9 there is a new placement dialog for inserting parts into the CAD system.

Placement dialog

Placement dialog

It enables intelligent placement methods for certain standard parts. Since this requires the new V9 standards - but possibly V8.1 parts are already in the PDM or pool - in the following various scenarios are described.

  • Inserting a standard part from the V9 version, newly created (not from pool or PDM)

    -> The placement dialog appears. The user can choose, whether he wants to use the CAD placement method or the new PARTsolutions placement method. When using the PARTsolutions method several edges can be selected at the same time and thus the part is inserted in all holes in one step.

  • Inserting a standard part from the V9 version which is already existing as V8.1 generated part in the PDM

    -> The functionality stays the same. Here the new placement method is also possible. However there is the precondition that the 8.1 part has been created with a standard version newer than V8.1.05, because the necessary connection points are not contained until this version. Here intelligent placement works, because the placement information is available in the V9 version and in the CAD part only the connection points are needed. There are some sporadic exceptions which won't work, because the standard version had wrong or missing connection points in older versions. This concerns pins and pipes for example.

  • Inserting a standard part from the V8.1 version, regardless of whether existing in the PDM or not

    -> The new placement dialog appears. But only the CAD placement method is allowed, because additional information is not available until the v9 version. It is possible to insert a part in several holes one after the other with the CAD placement method.

  • Inserting a standard part from the V9 version, which is already existing in the pool

    -> In the standard configuration the pool is configured that way that the part is newly created, meaning the V9 placement is used. For alternatives to the standard configuration please compare under Section, “Pool path for standard parts with reuse of v8.1 pool”.

  • Inserting a standard part from the V8.1 version, which is already existing in the pool

    -> The new placement dialog appears. But only the CAD placement method is allowed, because additional information is not available until the v9 version. It is possible to insert a part in several holes one after the other with the CAD placement method.

Not all parts of the standard catalog contain the needed information for intelligent placement. Currently the method is supported for rotationally symmetric parts such as bolts, nuts, wafers and bearings for example.

The following figure gives an overview, for which parts intelligent placement is possible.

The directories "Plant manufacturing", "Pipe couplings" and "Accessories" also contain parts, where the intelligent placement method does not make sense.

Deactivation of the placement dialog

In the configuration file under $CADENAS_SETUP/ifacecommon.cfg in the section Placement, in the key PL_DisplayDialog set the value to 0.