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1.11.1.  Global Logging System

The global Logging System is available for all applications, libraries and scripts.

The Log settings dialog is part of the Settings page, which you can open in the PARTsolutions and eCATALOGsolutions modules via the Extras menu -> Preferences. Here you can define the loglevel.

Log settings Log settings

Log settings

Output of logging data:

  1. Output of logging data occurs in the Log window of the respective module.

    Via the context menu of the toolbar you can turn the Log window on (default=off).

    Example PARTdataManager: Log window Log window

    Example PARTdataManager: Log window

    • Opens the Log settings page.

    • Opens the Windows-Explorer in order to Save the log notice in a file.

    • Delete content of the log window.

  2. Output of logging data occurs in an output file under $Temp\psol_logs\cadenas_error.log.[49]

    $CADEAS_USER\logs\cadenas_error.logLog file


  • Global logging settings -> Standard log level (true for all categories without specialized loglevel)

    In order to change the log level together for all logger categories select the desired list point in the list field.

    Logs are generated that are larger or equal to the set log level.


    [Important] Important

    The performance may become worse if you globally set the log level to "TRACE" for all modules or root categories "cadenas", for example.

    "TRACE" causes every procedure to create a notification. Therefore, you should only use "TRACE" for individual subcategories.

  • Logger category

    Under Logger category you can see the hierarchy of the individual categories starting from the root element "cadenas" down to the individual applications, libraries and scripts.

    [Note] Note

    Only elements, which are currently loaded, are shown in the tree.

  • specialized log level and Effective log level

    If under specialized log level "OFF" is selected, under Effective log level the value which is set under Global logging settings -> Standard log level (true for all categories without specialized loglevel) will be displayed.

    If an individual setting for a certain Logger category has been made, it will be displayed under Effective log level.

    To define an individual log level, under specialized log level click on the displayed value and open the selection list and click on the desired value.

    Specialized settings

    Specialized settings

  • Apply

    Saves changes made.

  • OK

    Saves changes made and closes window.

  • Cancel

    Closes dialog without saving changes.

If the delivery status was changed, under $CADENAS_USER, you will see the file log4cxx.properties. Changes made to this file should only be done in cooperation with CADENAS Consultants.[50]

[49] An extreme growth of log notices is avoided by an automatic deletion mechanism.

[50] The logging system is based on Apache log4cxx. Detailed information to configuration options of log4cxx.properties can be found under http://logging.apache.org/log4cxx/index.html.