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Manual Changes at directory level

At directory level the menu item Set QA status has no sub-menu items, but the dialog box Set QA-status is opened.

Set QA status

Set QA status

Under New QA status, in the list field, select the status.

Dialog box "Set QA status"

Dialog box "Set QA status"

[Note] Note

The QA status provided depends on current status and the role assigned at login!

[Note] Note

It is impossible to set up a QA status of a superior directory, if a hierarchical subordinate project / directory has a lower QA status! (see error message below)

Set QA status - error message

Set QA status - error message

Using the option Set status in projects and directories a status can be set in projects and subdirectories. In this case you will not get an error message.

Using another option"Set only if the current status is", you can limit or specify the status allocation to your needs.

[Note] Note

The selection of a comment in the list field is obligatory! (See also Section 6.6, “ History tab page ”)

In addition, you can enter other comments in the text field.