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Manual  Variant copy

Copy sketch element as user defined variant.

  1. Mark all required sketch elements (multi selection with pressed Ctrl key). (Alternatively: frame elements with pressed Shift key.)

    --> The element is marked in pink.

  2. Click with the secondary mouse key to disable previous functionality and then select the button Variant copy .

  3. Select the reference point in the selected element (the selected group). (The snap signalizes whether a point is catched.)

  4. Select the insertion point of the copy.

    --> The dialog box Change parameter is opened.

    In the example in hand the selected element is copied three times. Each iteration step will shift the copy with 20 in direction of X axis and rotate through an angle of 30°.

    In the example in hand the selected element is copied three times. Each iteration step will shift the copy with 20 in direction of X axis and rotate through an angle of 30°.

  5. Adjust the setting as desired:

    • Base point X: X coordinate insertion point of first copy

    • Base point Y: Y coordinate insertion point of first copy

    • Initializing: Start value of variable I

    • Iterate while: Number of iterations

    • Iteration step: Value of progress between two iteration steps

    • Displacement (dx): Displacement in the direction of X axis per iteration step

    • Displacement (dy): Displacement in the direction of Y axis per iteration step

    • Insertion angle: Rotation of selected element (selected group) through an angle per iteration step

    [Note] Note

    The variable „I“ is default, however, can be changed. Already used variable names should not be chosen.

  6. Confirm with OK.

    --> The copies of the element are placed according to the settings.