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Manual Use of CNSORDERNO and CNSTYPECODE with examples

  • Classification according to CNSORDERNO or CNSTYPECODE?

    • CNSORDERNO = Order number (article number) describes a fixed defined catalog product, where each product corresponds to a fixed PARTsolutions project row.

      Common product fields are: Angles, switches, bolts, nuts, etc.

      Example project without value ranges

      Example project without value ranges

    • CNSTYPECODE = Type code (article code / order code) describes a configurable product (with possibly complex set of rules), where the product corresponds to a table row with value range (one or several yellow fields) and a type code / key resulting from it.

      Common product fields are: Cylinders, motors, gears, linear modules, if configurable and customizable.

    [Note] Note

    Note/special cases

    In old catalogs/projects it is possible that there is no variable for article number or article code. In these cases the variable LINA can be used for the classification.

    This solution is NOT intended as default, but in fact only as solution for old projects. Furthermore please regard that the use of LINA can be unfavorable in some cases.


    Primary / Secondary Key (Code / Type)

    Article number: 158473 -> CNSORDERNO classification.

    Article code: DNC-100-63-PPV-P -> CNSTYPECODE classification.

    LINA: 158473 (DNC-100-63-PPV-P) -> If LINA maps both article number and code, then it cannot be used individually as CNSORDERNO or as CNSTYPECODE.

    Example project with value ranges (yellow fields)

    Example project with value ranges (yellow fields)

  • Enter article number in eCATALOGsolutions correctly

    [Note] Note

    In the case of leading zeros in the article number please regard the exact use on the manufacturer side, otherwise searching and attribute mapping won't work.

    1. Manufacturer uses four to six-digit numbers without leading zeros. On the side of PARTsolutions please regard, not to fill up with zeros.

      Negative example from PARTsolutions table: Erroneously, it was filled up with zeros.

      Negative example from PARTsolutions table: Erroneously, it was filled up with zeros.

      Manufacturer Website

      Manufacturer Website

    2. Manufacturer always uses a six-digit article number (also with leading zeros). In this case, in PARTsolutions, the zero must be contained in the catalog.

  • Hidden variables can also be used for a mapping. The variable is considered when indexing and can be searched.