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Manual Class "Electrical Connection" (CNS_CP|4|3) -> Attribute "Connection EclassSymbolMap"

Using attribute Connection EclassSymbolMap the correct symbol is assigned to the device.

A list of CAx Function Symbols used in eClass can be found on the website http://wiki.eclass.eu/wiki/CAx_Funktionssymbole . The symbol names please take from this list.

Following example uses the symbol S00017.

The value of Connection EclassSymbolMap looks like this: S00017||1||1

                             Symbolbezeichnung    ||  Ordnungszahl    ||   Pin-Nummer
Connection EclassSymbolMap         S00017         ||       1          ||        1

A double pipe symbol is used as separator.

If a symbol only occurs one time in a device, the ordinal number is 1. If the same symbol occurs several times, the ordinal number is incremented.


Terminal with 6 contacts (=6 connection points) of the same kind.

The symbol designation is six times S00017. Each of them only contains one pin. So the attribute Connection EclassSymbolMap should look like this:

Connection point name EclassSymbolMap
+ S00017||1||1
- S00017||2||1
S1 S00017||3||1
S2 S00017||4||1
+a S00017||5||1
-a S00017||6||1

Another example:

Following figure shows a device that contains several different symbols.

The symbols to be used are:

1x Coil S00305

3x Contactors S00284

1x NO contact S00227

1x NC Contact S00229

Creation of EclassSymbolMap:

  • Explanation on coil S00305:

    Connection point name Connection EclassSymbolMap

    A1 S00305||1||1
    A2 S00305||1||2

    The symbol for the coil is one time S00305. So the ordinal number remains 1 in any case.

    Because the coil has 2 pins, they are incremented.

  • Explanation on main contact S00284

    The main contact occurs 3 times. So the ordinal number is incremented from 1 to 3. Each main contact has 2 pins. They are incremented at each main contact (=symbol).

  • Explanation on "make contact" S00227

    The "make contact" only occurs one time and has two pins. That means the ordinal number is always 1, the pins are incremented.

  • Explanation on "break contact" S00229

    The "break contact" only occurs one time and has two pins. That means the ordinal number is always 1, the pins are incremented.

Connection EclassSymbolMap should look like this:

Connection point name Connection EclassSymbolMap  
A1 S00305||1||1 Coil
A2 S00305||1||2
L1 S00284||1||1 Main contact 1
T1 S00284||1||2
L2 S00284||2||1 Main contact 2
T2 S00284||2||2
L3 S00284||3||1 Main contact 3
T3 S00284||3||2
13 S00227||1||1 Make contact
14 S00227||1||2
21 S00229||1||1 Break contact
22 S00229||1||2