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Manual Test the simulation in the Mechatronics Concept Designer
  1. Start up NX and select Insert 3D from the PARTsolutions menu.

  2. Click the Button Transfer to CAD (NX **) in PARTdataManager.

  3. Go to Application > More > Mechatronics Concept Designer:

  4. Go to the Sequence Editor on the left side icon menu (and then at the best undock + move it to the bottom of the NX environment):

  5. Then right-click on Root and Add Operation:

  6. The dialog box Operation is displayed. Do not change anything inside here.

    On the left, in the Physics Navigator, click on the item under Signals or Couplers (here in the example "Signals"), which you want to add to the time scale:

  7. Then check the Runtime Parameter in the Operation window and confirm with a click on OK.

  8. Move the „milestone“ to the point where the Signal / Coupler should be triggered:

  9. Press the “Start” button to start the simulation.

    -> After 2 seconds the piston move out of the cylinder - according to the set values before.

    [Note] Note

    If you are using motion profiles (see point 2+3) it is required to unmark all Signal and Coupler Checkboxes first in order to make MCD work properly.