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Manual  Guideline for NB, SHORTNB, LINA definition and Identification type


Standard name

Name in CAD systems (Feature tree)

Filename in the CAD system pool (max. 256 characters)

[Note] Note

Company name / Catalog name does not belong to Standard name.


Short name (max. 16 characters)

It is used by CAD systems that are not compatible to long NB strings


Description for BOM

Name in PARTbom

Default designation in ERP systems

[Note] Note

Company name / Catalog name does not belong to BOM name.re

Identification type

Attribute Declaration

  • Function attribute

  • Geometry attribute

  • Dimension attribute

  • Object attribute

Standard name (NB) and Description for BOM (LINA) are declared in the Identification data window (opened via PARTdesigner -> File menu -> Identification data or icon .

Standard name

The Standard name must be unique for all lines and value range inputs. That means, if variable parameters are changed by selecting table lines and / or value ranges and the geometry is changed through this, the NB has to change, too. This happens e.g. at stroke positions and angularities, change of dimensions (length, width, hight, ...) and conditioned geometrical buildup of components. During export to CAD or when saving neutral formats, the NB with currently set variable parameters is transformed to a filename.


Standard name (NB) 'IPR $TYP.-$MODEL.$OPTION1.$GKS1. [HUB $HUB.]'
Display IPR RPC 320-I-C-O [HUB 10]
File name IPR_RPC_320_I_C_O__HUB_10_.sldasm

Consequence, if NB is not unique: If you want to export a part / assembly to the CAD system the program searches the part pool first, if there is already a PARTsolutions file that equals the NB of the part / assembly to be exported. Only if a matching file does not exist, it will be created by PARTsolutions. If e.g. a cylinder is exported twice – the first time with stroke position 5mm and the second time with stroke position 10mm - and the „stroke-variable“ is not contained in the NB, the CAD system will load the wrong part (the one with 5mm stroke again). So in this case it is not possible to manage parts with different stroke positions in the pool!

That’s why the uniqueness of NB has always to be considered carefully. The TestMeta routine will find value ranges which are not part of the NB and so decrease the error rate first.

BOM name

Ideally the Description for BOM should mirror the order scheme of the manufacturer company.

In any case the Description for BOM has to be unique.

[Note] Note

In the Description for BOM never insert stroke positions and angularities, otherwise in the ERP, for each stroke position an order is effected!


Standard name (NB) 'IPR $TYP.-$MODEL.$OPTION1.$GKS1. [HUB $HUB.]'
Description for BOM (LINA) 'IPR $TYP.-$MODEL.$OPTION1.$GKS1.'
Display name IPR RPC 320-I-C-O

[Note] Note

Often for LINA a simple reference to NB is set (LINA=’$NB.’). This must be avoided in any case, because - if value ranges for stroke position and angularities (function attributes) are contained - it can cause errors in the ERP management.

[Note] Note


First create LINA.

Afterwards set NB=’$LINA.’ + value ranges.

Description for BOM (LINA) 'IPR $TYP.-$MODEL.$OPTION1.$GKS1.'
Standard name (NB) '$LINA. [HUB $HUB.]'

In PARTdataManager, you can recognize NB and LINA quick and simple by the title line of table and 3D view:

Part designation (Standard name / Description for BOM)

Part designation (Standard name / Description for BOM)

Short name (max. 16 characters)

Short form of the Standard name (NB)

The Short name (SHORTNB) is declared in PARTproject, in the tab General of the respective part. It largely corresponds to NB and its requirements, however, here, specific consideration should be given on avoiding all unnecessary characters such as hyphens or empty spaces etc., so that the string does not exceed the maximum of 16 characters, because some CAD cannot handle longer strings!


Short name:


Standard name (NB) zum Vergleich:

Sechskantschraube DIN 933 $NENN.



If the NB is very short in the catalog generally (e.g. only consists of an order number), it is also possible to set a direct reference to NB (SHORTNB=$NB.).

Identification type

When creating value range variables in the Variable Manager (PARTdesigner), the correct Identification type has to be chosen.

A correct declaration is important, because only then an errorless realization of the resulting NB and LINA in the ERP system can be ensured. Details on this can be found under Section 7.8.13, “ Identification type ”.