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7.11.1.  Add row

  1. Add a new row at the end of table via Add row . The current selection doesn't matter.

    A new row has been added.

    A new row has been added.

    With the arrow key beside the button, you can open the dialog Add row and via field Number, add any number of rows. Confirm your entry with the Return key.

    Example: Adding 10 rows

    Example: Adding 10 rows

  2. Under the single variables insert the desired values.

    [Note] Note

    Do not use units in table cells, but declare the Unit in the Variable Manager.

    No units in table!

    No units in table!

    Variable Manager -> Unit

    Variable Manager -> Unit

    When using a correct declaration for a geometry variable as Data type "Integer" or "Decimal number" an entry such as "10 mm", for example, is not accepted. Stating the unit with Data type "Text" is possible, however, please avoid it in any case.