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  • Updated: May 2, 2014
  • Views: 16,277 views

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How can I reset my password?

    1. Click on the button "Forgot Password" at the left hand side.


      To reset your password please enter the e-mail address you used during your registration into the input field and click on "Send Email".


      -> You will receive the confirmation „Forgot Password“.


    2. Open the e-mail sent to you and click on the link.


      -> A dialog opens with a form for inputting your new password.

    3. Enter your new password into the input field and click on "Reset Password" to reset your password.


      -> You will receive the confirmation „Your password has been reset. Click here to sign-in.“


    4. In order to get to login click on "here".


    5. To log in, enter your email address and your new password into the input field and click on the button "Login".


    6. Please check your spam folder if you have not received any e-mail to reset the password.