de: ISORIA 16 with MN MR Reducers Configured -BIM Data - Wartungsfreie weichdichtende zentrische Absperrklappe
es: ISORIA 16 with MN MR Reducers Configured -BIM Data - Válvulas de mariposa con arandela centrada y anillo de elastómero AMRING
pt: ISORIA 16 with MN MR Reducers Configured -BIM Data - Válvulas de corte com disco central e fole anelar de elastómero AMRING
zh: ISORIA 16 with MN MR Reducers Configured -BIM Data - 带定心垫片和弹性衬里 AMRING 的蝶阀
tr: ISORIA 16 with MN MR Reducers Configured -BIM Data - Merkezi klapeli ve AMRING elastomer halka körüklü kelebek vanalar
fr: ISORIA 16 with MN MR Reducers Configured -BIM Data - Robinet à papillon centré à étanchéité élastomère AMRING
en: ISORIA 16 with MN MR Reducers Configured -BIM Data - Centred disc butterfly valves with AMRING elastomer liner
ru: ISORIA 16 with MN MR Reducers Configured -BIM Data - Дисковые затворы без эксцентриситета и кольцевым сильфоном из эластомера AMRING
cs: ISORIA 16 with MN MR Reducers Configured -BIM Data - Uzavírací klapky centrické s elastomerovou prstencovou manžetou AMRING
it: ISORIA 16 with MN MR Reducers Configured -BIM Data - Valvole a farfalla con disco centrato e anello a soffietto in elastomero AMRING
nl: ISORIA 16 with MN MR Reducers Configured -BIM Data - Spjældventiler med centreret skive og elastomerindsats AMRING
pl: ISORIA 16 with MN MR Reducers Configured -BIM Data - Przepustnice cenrtryczne z pierścieniem elastomerowym AMRING