powered by CADENAS


Manual General preconditions

Following preconditions have to be fulfilled to use distributed services in principle:

  • PARTapplicationServer is installed

  • Make following settings in the configuration file pappserver.cfg:

    • Block [Common] -> Key Services=all,AnalysisService,PipelineService

    • Block [Common] -> Key Modules=all,PipelineHttpConnector

  • Make following settings in the configuration file pappclient.cfg:

    • Block [Common] -> Key clientmode=remote

    • Block [appserver] -> Key server = <IP address>

      (Z.B. or localhost. Port or Prefix is not needed.)

  • Configure PSWorker

    On each client which should do download and/or conversion services, run a PSWORKER:

    1. Open a CMD line

    2. Go to your 64-bit directory in your PARTsolutions installation and run the psworker.exe with parameter –gui

      -> The dialog box is opened.

    3. Click on Settings....

      -> The dialog box Settings is opened.

      Memory limit for worker restart: Especially when running the conversion with a CAD system, the value should be increased. The message "Controller said kill job…" indicates that the job is running our of memory.

    4. In the menu on the left, select the item Worker.

    5. On the tabbed page Common settings, make following settings:

      • Connectivity

        Standard settings:

        • Enable Cluster name

        • Select the option Act as pure client

        • Under List of controller server, enter the following:


          (PARTapplicationServer that acts as controller and distributes jobs)

      • Client base configuration

        • Number of parallel jobs: Enter a numerical value, for example 1.

          The value specifies how often the CAD system is started for the conversion. However, normally only one CAD license per computer is required.

          [Note] Note

          Jobs are processed by Workers. Workers log in at a Queue, in order to receive jobs.

          Parallel conversion currently works for Pro/E-Creo, NX, SolidWorks, Solid Edge and Inventor.

    6. On the tabbed page Worker configuration make the following settings:

      • Worker type: In the list field, select the option PARTwarehouse Pipeline Runner Service.

      • Queues: Apply the desired queues.

        1. Click on the plus sign.

          -> A line entry appears. The first is "QUEUE[0]".

        2. Behind the entry, click into the line and enter the queue name (in above example "Q1").

  • Setup services:

    In the Windows start menu, open Command Prompt (Administrator)

    • Install PARTapplicationServer as service.

      <Path to pappserver.exe> -install

    • Install PSWorker as service.

      <Path to psworker.exe> -install

      Open Properties. In the dialog box, select the tabbed page Log On and choose the option This account. Enter username and password.

  • When using an Offline CD, make sure that the path to exe file is entered in the configuration file ifacecommon.cfg.

  • If more than one job per PSWorker shall be executed, please change the setting in the configuration file ifacecommon.cfg -> Block <cadsystem> -> Key RequestLevel from '1' to '2'.

    [Note] Note

    When changing to '2', please make sure that the interface is active (PARTsolutions menu in CAD is visible)