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If on the part of PARTsolutions the physical properties are set in the CNS classification, then these are also transferred to the CAD system during export.
In PARTdataManager the attributes of the CNS classification are displayed under index tree, context menu of a part, menu item Part information.
In NX, the material properties are available on part level under Properties -> tabbed page Attributes.
The available methods for the display of mass properties depend on respective NX version.
Example using NX 1899: Analysis > Measure > Selection Filter "Solid Body" > Measure dialog (Object) > click on body
In the following is explained how NX acts in different scenarios:
Since the volume property in NX is not changeable, the volume transferred from PARTsolutions (CNSVOLUMEEXACT) is ignored. Instead the real volume of the model is used for all calculations.
Where does the value for the density come from? (Priority sorted top down)
Where does the value for the mass come from? (Priority sorted top down)
If the mass (CNSMASSEXACT) is transferred from PARTsolutions, then it is overtaken with highest priority.
The density of the model is calculated from the mass. CNSDENSITY and the density information from CNSMAT are ignored.
If the
material (CNSMAT) is transferred from PARTsolutions, it is
overtaken, provided that there is an entry in the file pyhs_material.dat
of the
NX installation.
If neither CNSMASSEXACT nor CNSMAT is transferred from PARTsolutions, the density from CNSDENSITY is used. The mass is calculated from this value.
If no parameters are transferred from PARTsolutions, the density gets a default value of 7830.64 kg/m³ by NX.
Setting options for physical properties
There are different setting options
available for the handling of physical properties of solids during export.in
the configuration file ifugnx.cfg
[Categories] PhysicalPropertiesMode=0/1/2/3
0: Physical properties are not mapped at all. They are either acquired from the material (if provided) or calculated from NX customer defaults.
1: "Assert" mode for the physical properties
Physical properties are "asserted" (mapped to specially provided NX fields). This option will make them appear in various information windows, such as the "Displayed Part Weight" properties dialog. It is also possible to map these properties to assemblies in this manner. Mass, density, volume and center of gravity can be mapped.
2: "Real" physical properties are set
Physical properties are set at the model level (mapped directly to the actual NX physprops). This method only works with parts. Only density and mass can be assigned this way.
If "PhysicalPropertiesMode" is set to 1 or 3, then at missing key parameters the following error message is displayed:
Failed to assert physical properties due to missing key parameters.
Either the mass or both volume and density must be provided
for a successful assertion.
If only the density is available,
please select a different physical properties assignment mode
(set PhysicalPropertiesMode to '2' in the configuration file ifugnx.cfg).