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Manual  Tabbed page "3D files"

You can use any 3D file as search part:

  • When clicking on From CAD, part or assembly selected in the CAD is loaded into the dialog box for the search.

  • When clicking on Load file, an Explorer window opens, where you can browse to the desired geometry.

    In the following this variant is described in detail:

  1. In the History section, select the 3D files tab.

  2. Click on the menu item Load file .

    -> An Explorer window is opened.

  3. Browse to the desired file.

    A number of formats can be opened:[58]

    • IGS (*.igs)

    • STL (*.stl)

    • Inventor 2010 (*.ipt, *.iam)

    • NAT (*.nat)

    • PS3-V2 3D (*.ps3)

    • PartJava 3D (*.zjv)

    • Pro/Engineer Wildfire Version 3 32 Assembly (*.asm)

    • Pro/Engineer Wildfire Version 3 32 Part (*.prt)

    • Pro/Engineer Wildfire Version 3 32 UDF (*.gph)

    • SAT ascii 3D (*.sat)

    • STEP (*.step, *.stp)

      [Note] Note

      When using the STEP format topology information/features are loaded in best quality (if the license "PSADDONS*ADVANCEDTOPO" is available).

      Then Sphere, Torus and Elongated Cylinder are available in addition. All other features are read in with much higher quality.

      Also see Section, “Quality of topology information/features”.

      When selecting the STEP format the dialog box Import options for format STEP file input is opened.

      Simply confirm with OK.

    • SolidDesigner PKG File (*.pkg)

    • SolidDesigner PKG/STL File (*.stl)

    • Solidworks 2010 (*.sldprt, *.sldasm)

    • U3D (*.u3d)

    • *.zjv

    [Note] Note

    Make sure that the CAD application is started when selecting CAD formats.

  4. If there is an ambiguity for a file extension, an additional dialog box appears.

    Ambiguities are possible for a file extension such as .prt for example, which is used by Creo Elements and NX as well, furthermore for several versions of a CAD system.

    In the list field select the desired system and the desired version.

  5. Then the dialog box Selection of unit is opened.

    In the list field, select the correct unit: mm, cm, dm , m, INCH, FEET, INCH/10, INCH/100

    Confirm with OK.

    -> The file is loaded in the dialog box on the left side. On the right side the part is shown in the 3D preview.

[58] The display depends on the installed CAD systems.