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Per default the material information is taken from the MATMAP block. Also see keys "poolpath", "filename", "MaterialDBFile" and block "MatMap".
Per default this is a complex vbs expression. It may be adjusted as desired.
?context.TranslateStringInGlobalOptionArray("MATMAP","",GetObject("iface.calcnameservice") .start(0).Format("<CLASSPROP(cns,CNSPHYPROP,CNSMAT)>").value())
Alternative example for the vbs expression:
Material=?GetObject("iface.calcnameservice").start(0).Format("<CLASSPROP (cns,CNSPHYPROP,CNSMAT)>").value()
Definition, where the material information is from.
May be combined with material mapping (internal PARTsolutions material name : CAD-System material name).
Material mapping is used in order to map the internal PARTsolutions material name onto the CAD system material name.
Note | |
The untranslated name of the material is transferred; in other words the same one for all languages. |
Per default the material name is taken from the CNS classification. (Where the CNS classification gets the material name from is set under
C:\ProgramData\cadenas\partsolutions\setup -> configuration file partsol.cfg -> Block VARTOCLASSMAPPING. Per default the table column "MAT_NAME" is set.)
The determined name is then mapped along with the material table under block MatMap to the CAD system material names.
The following shows the [MatMap] block relevant for material mapping:
[MatMap] Copper=Kupfer Aluminum-6061-AHC=6061 Legierung Titanium=Titan ABS Plastic=ABS PC Gold=Reines Gold Lead=Reines Blei Silver=Reines Silber