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Manual  Check licenses... (Single workstation)
  1. In the Category tree, mark the entry License administration.

    Select the Licenses tabbed page.

    Select a license product top right.

    -> Specific name can be seen in the column Product code.

    -> Detailed license information is displayed under License key and Host ID/Role.



  2. Check, whether all received licenses are listed.

    If the license file „*.cnsldb“ is not listed or you have received a new license file, which you want to add to the list, then do the following:

    • Click on the Add file... button.

      -> An explorer window opens, where you can select further license files (*.cnsldb).

    • Search the storage location of the file.

    • Open the license file.

    --> Now the file is listed in the license administration.

    [Note] Note

    Remove file(s): ... deletes the marked file(s).

    Thereby not only the entry in the license administration is removed, but also the respective *.cnsldb file in the lic / keys directory of your PARTsolutions installation. In case of need you can rebuild the file from the backup file *.bak. Simply rename the license file to *.cnsldb again.

  3. Mark the License file in the dialog area top right.

    Mark row of desired license product

    Mark row of desired license product

    --> The individual License keys with Expiration date and Status are listed.

  4. Check, whether the Host ID of the license (downright) is according to one of the Host ID displayed above (see Fig. „Licenses“).

    (Exception: Some products (e.g. free catalogs) have so-called zero-licenses '0000 0000 0000'. Here the hostid doesn't have to be according.)

  5. In order for the license to be effective for the respective module (PARTdataManager, etc.), the Status has to be OK (or Expires ).

    If this is the case, then the licensing was successful.

    Possible status messages are:

    • OK

    • Newer entry exists

    • Valid for other computer

    • Expires

      Indeed the license is still valid, however you should take care to get a following license in time.

    • Expired

  6. In order to finish the procedure, click on the Save changes button! (If not already happened during the license installation).

    --> Now PARTsolutions is enabled.

  7. Call software and support information

    Corresponding Customer information and Dealer information for the currently selected License file (*.cnsldb) / Product code can be seen on the bottom right.

    Stating the Customer number enables the support to better help you.

    Here you can also find the responsible Dealer with Support e-mail and Support telephone number.

    Customer information and Dealer information

    Customer information and Dealer information

    Check catalog licenses

    Under PARTadmin -> PARTsolutions -> Catalog update -> Online, catalogs without valid license are displayed in their own category Catalogs, no valid license.

    Catalogs, no valid license

    Catalogs, no valid license