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Manual Example 4: Direct database connection and automatic user login

the following example shows the settings for Automatic login at PARTdataManager start and direct client database connection (= using the option Catalog browsing and search with AppServer or Search with AppServer ).


  • Set up ODBC on client

    When using the setting option Catalog browsing and search with AppServer or Search with AppServer the connection between client and link database is directly established. Meaning, on the client ODBC has to be set up.

    [Note] Note

    In contrary, this is not necessary when using the option Catalog browsing, search and database with AppServer, because in this case the connection to the link database is established via AppServer.

    The name used for setting up the ODBC connection has to be identical to the entry under PARTlinkManager -> Extras menu -> Configure ERP environment -> Database tabbed page -> Name.

  • Set environment variable $CADENAS_DATA on the client

    The environment variable $CADENAS_DATA has to be set and point to the data directory (on the server).

    [Note] Note

    In contrary, this is not necessary when using the option Catalog browsing, search and database with AppServer, because in this case the connection to $CADENAS_DATA is established via AppServer.

The following settings have to be made on the AppServer:

  1. Enable automatic login

    PARTadmin -> category ERP environment -> Database login -> Enable automatic login

    If no login dialog shall be displayed at PARTdataManager start, please make sure that the option Enable automatic login is enabled.

  2. Create users

    Change to the category ERP environment -> User.

    Under User-Role assignment, on the left side under User, click on New and create the required users with their Windows user name and on the right side, enable the desired role(s).

    [Note] Note

    If only one role is assigned PARTdataManager starts without showing any further dialog. If several roles are assigned a role selection dialog is displayed.

    [Note] Note

    Of course, the user (or several) used for the automatic login has to exist in the database.

  3. Under Automatic login enter any database user with password (according to the desired database rights).

    The input field under Login-Dialog remains empty and is not needed.

Result: PARTdataManager starts without login dialog. In the status bar, the currently logged in user and his role is displayed.