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Manual  Key "Material"

Name of the material from the MaterialFile, read from the part physical properties.


Material(is3dpart)=?GetObject("iface.calcnameservice").start(0).Format("<CLASSPROP ( cns,CNSPHYPROP,CNSMAT ) > ").value()


  1. Check if "*CATMATERIAL_FILE"("MaterialFile") exists. If it does not exists, exit from ApplyMaterial without message.

  2. Get the value for mass: Search "cns"->"CNSPHYPROP"->"CNSMASSEXACT". If not found search in "cns"->"CNSGEOMBASE"->"CNS_MASSEXACT001"

  3. Compute the Volume of the Part using CAAV5 functions.

  4. If mass is zero or is not defined, the value for density is read from ps3, else compute the density of the Material: density = mass / volume.

  5. Search the name of Material from - "cns"->"CNSPHYPROP"->"CNSMAT" or from Mident of the Part ("A_MAT") or from *CATMATERIAL_STD_NAME flag (in the specified CATMaterial File)

  6. If the Material has been found in CATMATERIAL_FILE, set for it the computed density.

  7. Apply the material on feature.

    -> The Material is displayed in the tree.

    Material information is also found in the PS3 file.

On this also compare the following keys:

  • CATMaterial File The key represents the name of CATMaterial File which is taken into account for created Parts. If the Metafile contains some Material information, the name of Material is searched in the specified CATMaterial File and if found it will be applied.






  • StdMaterial(is3dPart)

    Name of the desired material


    Applies the material on either the part, the body, both, or none.