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Manual Key "PrepareMenu" - NX9 / Ribbon menu by default

As of version NX9 the Ribbon toolbar has been established. As of version V9.08 it is supported by PARTsolutions.[42]

The Ribbon menu is displayed by default. However, you can switch between the Classic and the Ribbon toolbar.

Therefor set the key "PrepareMenu" on 1. Via Preferences - User Interface you can call up the same-named dialog box. There you will find the following two options:

  • Ribbon Bar

  • Classic Toolbars

Precondition for being able to switch: The key "PrepareMenuPath" has to point to the correct startup folder.


Alternatively to the dialog box you can also switch with the Ctrl+2 key combination.

[42] (#42513) (Possible up to NX11, when the support for the old interface is phased out,).