powered by CADENAS



4.8.5. Adjust table values > Set bitmap / plinkcommon.cfg -> Block [BMPMAPPING_<column_name>] - Key "BMPCODE<number>"

With the help of the option Set bitmap (PDataMgr only) you can set internal values and map them to a color.

The setting only applies for PARTdataManager.

Setting in configuration file $CADENAS_SETUP/plinkcommon.cfg:

Block [BMPMAPPING_<variable name>], key BMPCODE<NUMBER>, first value contains the displayed term, the second value contains the path to bitmap.



Setting in user interface under PARTlinkManager -> Extras menu -> Configure dialog box -> PARTlinkManager preferences tab -> Adjust table values -> Set bitmap (PDataMgr only)

Internal Bitmap
Material name Path to bmp

Display in PARTdataManager

Pictures are displayed if enabled by clicking the button Show graphics in table .

  • Show graphics in table" enabled

    Example: Material in the form of a picture

    Example: Material in the form of a picture

  • Show graphics in table" disabled

    Example: Material in text form

    Example: Material in text form

Display in PARTlinkManager

[Hinweis] Hinweis

Make sure that for all used materials there is a definition available.



Furthermore please regard that the list field option in the dialog box "new ident-no." has to show the according value as well; otherwise it won't work.

The value definition happens in erpcustom.cfg -> block "USERDIALOG" -> key "Werkstoff". For details see there.

Another example (See PLDBDEMO database -> Role "LOC1")


User interface: PARTlinkManager -> Extras menu -> Configure dialog box -> PARTlinkManager preferences tab -> Adjust table values -> Set bitmap (PDataMgr only)

Internal Bitmap
x Path to bmp

Result in PARTdataManager:

If button Show graphics in table is disabled the internal value (here "x") is displayed in the respective row.

Display of internal value

Display of internal value

If button Show graphics in table is enabled the image is displayed in the respective row.

Display of bitmap

Display of bitmap