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1.9.2. How can I download selected CAD model and import it into the CAD system?

  1. Under Selected formats, determine at least one format in the Download category.

    Example: Selection of STL (3D)

    Example: Selection of STL (3D)

  2. Make sure that the desired part is specified in theTable view (and in the Variable view in addition if there are value range fields).

  3. Click on Generate CAD.

    Once the generation finished, the desired formats are packed as zip file and provided for download.

  4. In the download area, click on Download or the icon besides.

    ➝ Options to open or save the zip file are offered.

    Exemplary display of options in Internet Explorer

    Exemplary display of options in Internet Explorer

  5. Temporarily save the attached zip file anywhere.

  6. Unpack the files with WINZIP or a similar program.

  7. Import the file (files) into your CAD system.