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Manual Sweep

Sweep is the transition between two sketches on parallel planes and the same number of sketch elements.

With V10 Sweep is released as a standard function.

In the part EN 10253 for example, the sweep function is used.

Example: EN 10253

Example: EN 10253

In the following you can see an excerpt in PARTdesigner, which exemplifies the usage.

  1. Create a circle in a base sketch.

    [Note] Note

    Do not create the circle as a whole, but rather as a quarter, which you compete to a circle by rotation. Background: In order to ensure compatibility to various CAD systems a minimum number of 4 sketch elements is required.

  2. Insert a Pattern origin.

  3. Create a parallel reference plane with the desired distance and on it a new sketch.

  4. On sketch 2, in the same way, create a circle again. (Here in the example it is smaller and shifted in relation to the first circle.)

  5. Set a pattern origin again.

  6. Mark both sketches under History and then click on Create sweep base.

    -> The dialog box History opens.

    Confirm with OK.

    -> The sweep is displayed in the 3D view.