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11.2.2. Part

All <part> children are listed here with their specifying child elements.


<part id="...">
  <color r="0..255" g="0..255" b="0..255" />

  <bom category="...">
      <value name="name">value</value>

  <cp name="..." visible="..." type="..." />



id: Unique identifier

[Note] Note

Referenced under <conparts> -> <connection>.

Child elements:

  • type


    • part: If the project that is given for the path is a part

    • assembly: If the project that is given in the path is an assembly

  • category

    Identifier referencing categories.

    [Note] Note

    Referenced under <categories> to build the tree structure in the Configurator

  • path

    Sets the path of the .prj-file of the part (&CADENAS_DATA)

    [Note] Note

    Use a relative path statement:


    Project: C:\programme\cadenas\data\23dlibs\...catalog...name...\rohre\rohr.prj

    Path: rohre\rohr.prj

    [Note] Note

    NN, NT information is read out from there.

  • nnpath

    Relative path to the project.

    [Note] Note

    Only used with assemblies. Read additional main table information.

  • bom category

    Identifier referencing bom category.

  • vars

    To define additional variables. It is also used to init the table.

    Child element:

    • var

      Any number of elements.


      • name : name of the variable; value: value of the variable

  • cp


    • name: Name of the connection point

      In the exemplifying picture below the names are "links" and "rechts".

      [Note] Note

      Tooltip structure:

      connection point name @ part name - table parameters

      [Note] Note

      XML syntax with parts: Just the connection point name

      XML syntax with assemblies: Part name @ connection point name

    • visible: In the Configurator the displayed name of the connection point under Details.

    • type: group type of connection types


<part id="65humlenk" >

  <cp name="HUMLENKUNGWINK@start0" visible="Vorne" type="sl65_start_C" />
  <cp name="HUMLENKUNGWINK@end0" visible="Hinten" type="sl65_end_C" />

  <bom category="transport" />
     <value name="BAUBREITE">65</value>