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Manual  Messages...

In the Messages dialog box all generations and publications are listed chronologically.


Extras menu -> Messages...

When clicking on Messages..., the Messages dialog box will open.


  • Icons:

    Icon Meaning

    Generation or publishing successful

    Generation or publishing failed

  • Bold lettering signalizes, that a message has not been clicked yet. As soon as a message has been clicked, on the right side, the Subject text is displayed and the bold lettering disappears.

  • Filter:

    Useful at very large lists

    Filter for subject [for example "Failed"], catalog name, mode [for example "LIVE"], user name.

Activate notification

When you activate the notification, you save always checking, whether there are any changes. You can see at a glance if a generation/publishing failed.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Via Extras menu -> Settings... call the dialog box Settings.

  2. Select the menu item Messages.

  3. Activate the option Poll for new messages.

    -> Now at each status change of generation or publishing a popup window is opened and a notification displayed in the status bar.

    Setting concerning popup window

    Setting concerning popup window

    Notification via popup window

    Notification via popup window

    Notification in the status bar

    Notification in the status bar

    By clicking on the link or the icon the Messages dialog box opens.

Filter presetting:

May be only a certain catalog is interesting and you want to filter the display in the Messages dialog box principally?

  1. Via Extras menu -> Settings..., call the dialog box Settings.

  2. Select the menu item Messages.

  3. Click on the button Select none, in order to be quite sure that there are no hidden selections.

  4. At the desired catalog(s), in the section Catalog name, activate the checkbox.

  5. Ensure that the option Show messages for all catalogs is deactivated. Because if this checkbox is activated, the specific checkmarks in the list are ignored.

  6. Result:

    If you deactivate the option Show only messages for selected catalogs in the Messages dialog box, then you get the full display again.