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Manual Connector Symbol (CNSELEK|4)

Assigning a symbol is a little different when classifying a plug/connector, since it requires one extra step.

After you have classified all the pins on the connector (which is done the same way as our terminal above), we need to define a symbol that will represent the connector as a whole not just a bunch of pins.

Symbol representing the connector

Symbol representing the connector

Each pin of the connector represented separately

Each pin of the connector represented separately

To do this proceed as follows:

  1. Select project to be edited.

  2. Select tabbed page General.

  3. Open Classification (CNS).

    -> The dialog box Classification is opened.

  4. Under Filter, select the option Classes.

    [Note] Note

    In order to assign a classification to the whole project and not only to single connection points you have to select this option.

  5. Double-click Connector.

    -> Connector is displayed under Selected classes now.

  6. Open Attributes (CNS).

  7. Sort according to Description and look for Connector Symbol, Connector MasterSymbol and Connector BlockSymbol.

    In the column Value, enter the desired symbol ID (here S0032) according to following schema:

Special case

When classifying plugs/connectors and not all connections are of the same type, the modeler himself has to make the decision which connector symbol has to be set globally and adequately for the function of the part.

Example: 10 males and 1 PE connection

Example: 10 males and 1 PE connection

In above case it is clear that S00032 should be set as global symbol.