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Manual  Check out directories / projects (for work)

[Note] Note

If under Extras -> Settings... -> General the option Update index after downloading catalog is set, the index becomes updated with every download process. If only one single subdirectory is downloaded, only the index for this directory becomes updated.

(More expenditure of time)

  • Check-out of directory

    The Initial situation is the newly downloaded catalog "maier". The lock symbol signals that there are no editing rights.

    In order to get editing rights, mark the directory and call up the command Check out directories / projects (for work) in the context menu of the directory tree.

    Starting basis Action Result

    Check out directories / projects (for work)

    The green checkmark in Result now signalizes your right to edit the catalog "maier".

    [Note] Note

    Editing rights for a special project / directory can only be owned by a single userat one time!

    If a directory or single file is locked, you will receive detailed information about this.

    Whenever you check out directories/projects (for work), an Update window appears and a data synchronization with the server occurs; this also occurs if Editing rights are locked!

    Notification - file in editing process

    Notification - file in editing process

    In the Updatewindow, any locked File is listed with the name of the user who owns its editing rights.

  • Checkout project

    In the picture below only project p23 will be checked out.

    Starting basis Action Result

    Check out project (for work)

    After check out project (for work), p23 is marked with a green checkmark.