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Manual Create Media Variables

  1. At first open the Template configuration via

    • Preferences menu -> Template configuration


    • the respective icon in the toolbar.

  2. Click on Edit media variables.

    -> The Media editor is opened.

  3. Select the type in the list field top right. The following options are available:

    • TEXT



    -> In the lower half of the dialog box the already existing Media Variables of the selected type are displayed.

  4. In the list field top right, you can select a language. For a variable's new creation leave "default".

  5. Click on New.

    -> The dialog box Name opens.

  6. Enter the variable name.

    [Note] Note

    All special characters allowed in Windows can be used here as well. Empty spaces are not allowed. Use the underscore (for example) as separator alternatively.

  7. Confirm with OK.

  8. The variable is displayed in the lower half of the dialog box.

  9. Select the variable and enter the variable value in the upper half of the dialog box.

  10. Click on Save.

[Note] Note

In PARTproject, on the tabbed page Documents, the variable is only displayed after a restart of PARTproject.

In order to display the variable on the tabbed page Translation in addition, select it and click on the context menu command Edit entry.

Now activate the Translation option and confirm with OK.

-> Now the variable is also displayed on the tabbed page Translation.