powered by CADENAS


Manual  Entering licenses... (FLM)

[Note] Note

Before you enter licenses, please cancel all running PARTsolutions applications!

If you install the FLM license from a separate license server, then normally there is no PARTsolutions installation available. Since you need PARTadmin, this module has also been installed in the course of the installation routine.

In both cases call up PARTadmin via start menu:

Windows Start menu -> CADENAS -> License administration (FLM server management)

PARTadmin -> category FLM server -> tabbed page Licenses -> Add file...

The license administration will add the file in the correct directory automatically.

Then please do not forget to save .

Finish PARTadmin.

The Licensing is finished now.

[Note] Note

Background information:

In the installation path of the CADENAS FLM server (for example, C:\cadenas_flm) the file start.env is located.

Please note!

Although the environment variables of the FLM server have the same name as in the PARTsolutions installation, they refer to different directories!


The imported FLM license is thus located in the CADENAS FLM server under C:\ProgramData\cadenas_flm\partsolutions\setup\lic\keys, for example.

If you want to copy the license yourself, please ensure you have the correct path.

Storage location of node-locked licenses in contrast is in the PARTsolutions installation under %cadenas_setup%!

[Note] Note

Please also note the detailed advice under Section 1.4.4, “ FLM server ” in PARTsolutions / PARTcommunity4Enterprise - Administration Manual.