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Manual  Insert Fixed plane...

Via the coordinates of the Base point as well as both vectors (X axis, Y axis)an absolute plane can be described.

Creating this plane can be made dependant on conditions. To do so, activate the option Only create, if.

The figure below shows the plane according to the adjacent settings.

Black arrow = displacement vector

Black arrow = displacement vector

Example with translation and rotation:

If, for example, a connection point shall have another orientation of coordinate system than the original, this can be achieved by a fixed plane.

In example shown below the original X axis is laid on the Z axis (Z=1) and then the original Y axis on the x axis (X=1). Now connection points set with standard values on the absolute plane have a new orientation.

Original coordinate cross and another one in connection point with new orientation.

Original coordinate cross and another one in connection point with new orientation.

In the Fixed plane dialog, you can change the default name Absolute plane 1 under Last name.

[Note] Note

The changed name is only visible after an update.

The added absolute plane shows up in the history.

It can be removed with the Delete plane context menu command.

Via Properties... you can reopen the Fixed plane dialog.

Delete plane

Delete plane