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  • Updated: May 7, 2014
  • Views: 15,672 views

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How can I register on the portal?

  • Downloading parts is not possible without being registered


    1. On the left side, click on the button "Register for Free" in order to create a free account.


      -> A dialog opens with a form for inputting your account information.

    2. All fields are required to be filled in and the terms of use must be accepted. Click "Continue" at the bottom of the page to proceed with registration.


    3. In the next step the personal informations and informations about the company must be specified. Furthermore the field of activity, the CAD System, the PLM- or ERP system and more contact details can be specified.

    4. In order to verify that your details are correct, click on "Save"


      The following details must be specified for a successful registration:

      First name, last name, company, zip code, country.

      By entering invalid Information appropriate information appears.

      -> After that a picture can be added.

    5. Click on "Select a file".


    6. Choose the desired picture and open it by clicking the button "Open".


    7. Click on "Save Picture".


      -> If no picture shall be uploaded this step can be skipped.

    8. Click on "Skip".


      -> You will receive the confirmation „Thanks for joining!“


      -> The activation link will be sent to the specified e-mail address automatically.

    9. Open the e-mail sent to you and activate your account by clicking on the activation link.


    10. You will receive the confirmation „Your account has been verified. Please wait to be redirected or click here to login“ after that.


      Furthermore you receive a welcoming e-mail of PARTcommunity, in which you'll be invited to login.

      -> Registration is finished.

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