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FAQ Information

  • Updated: March 10, 2014
  • Views: 12,657 views

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FAQ Description

What are the system requirements of an unproblematic use of PARTcommunity?

 Client requirements

  • Browser:

    • IE >= v8

    • Firefox >= v3

    • Opera >= v10

  • Javascript and Cookies must be activated.

  • Java applet JRE >= 1.6

  • ActiveX viewer: ActiveX must be activated in the security settings.

  • CADENAS PARTwebViewer must be installed.

    Should this not be installed, the following message will show up in the CAD model preview dialog area.

    CADENAS ActiveX-Viewer could not be started

    CADENAS ActiveX-Viewer could not be started

  • Note
    Please note the installation query in the browser window. You must click on it in order to allow for the installation of the CADENAS ActiveX-Viewer.

  • Flash v10
    In order to create a sketch under Search for CAD models -> Sketch 2D, you need the Flash-Player.

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