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  • Updated: March 10, 2014
  • Views: 20,312 views

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Which file formats are available?


 The following formats for 3D CAD models and 2D CAD models are available (license dependent): ADEM | Alibre Design | Architectural Desktop | AutoCAD | BMP (2D View) | BMP (3D View) | CADCEUS | CADISON | CADdy | CadKey | Cadra | CATIA | Cimatron | CoCreate Modeling | Creo Elements/Direct Modeling | Creo Elements/Pro | Creo Parametric | DWF | DWG | DXF | Geomagic Design | Helix | HiCAD | Ideas | IGES | IntelliCAD | Inventor | IRONCAD | JPEG (2D View) | JPEG (3D View) | KeyCreator | KOMPAS | LogoCAD | Mastercam | Mechanical Desktop | Medusa | MegaCAD | MI | Microstation | NX | One Space Modeling | Parasolid | PDF 3D | PDF Datasheet | Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire | PRO-Desktop | SAT | Solid Designer | Solid Edge | SolidThinking | SolidWorks | SpaceClaim | STEP | STL | SVG | thinkdesign | TIFF (2D View) | TopSolid | TurboCAD | Unigraphics | Vectorworks | VDI | VISI | VX 

The whole set of formats can be seen in the dialog area 3D CAD CATALOGS under choose CAD format . 

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  • Jürgen Heimbach
    Jürgen Heimbach Now I do still not know whether Tribon is suported ?
    March 25, 2014
  • CADENAS Support
    CADENAS Support unfortunately we do not offer any TRIBONparts anymore...
    March 25, 2014