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  • Updated: February 17, 2014
  • Views: 15,494 views

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How can I activate my account?

  • -> The activation link will be sent to the specified address automatically.

    1. Open the e-mail sent to you and activate your account by clicking on the activation link.

    2. Please check your spam folder if you have not received any activation link since the registration yet.

      -> If you can't find the e-mail anymore you can request the activation link again.

    3. Enter your access data and click on "Login".


    4. In order to request the activation link again click on "here".


      -> You will receive the confirmation „Verification Email“.


    5. Open the e-mail sent to you and activate your account by clicking on the activation link.


      -> Afterwards you will receive the confirmation "Your account has been verified. Please wait to be redirected or click here to login“.


      -> For further questions please contact the support team via "Ask Question" in the FAQ area.

    6. Click on "Support" and afterwards on "Ask Question".


      -> A dialog opens with a form for inputting your question.

    7. To send the request, please fill out all input fields and click on "Ask".

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