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BIM-Tage Deutschland 2022 » Discussions

Hot water problems

  • August 21, 2023
    The water heater in the house I moved into is too old and I'm tired of waiting for the water to heat up or cool down. I want to replace it with a more new one. Any tips?
  • August 21, 2023

    Hello, in everything related to repair, I'm not an expert, I prefer to contact experts right away who will help with the choice, purchase and installation. I advise you to think about finding such a company.

  • August 21, 2023

    For me, a shower is not just a way to freshen up or become cleaner. This is a daily ritual that I attach great importance to. Therefore, in order to definitely not have problems with water, I bought instant water heater malaysia. A good option that I recommend. In addition, I can hardly check it, but it should additionally soften and purify the water.