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solidworks watch / Orefici watch - Regata Yachting CAD Assembly video by Leale (low resolution)

Solidworks watch video rendering and CAD model done by "Leale Jackson", the creative director of OREFICI WATCHES. Design by Umberto Cipolla (CEO) and Leale. www.oreficiwatches.com, only sold exclusively in Neiman Marcus nationwide. The Story: The story of OREFICI dates back to 1933, when my grandfather, Luigi Farioli became an orefice, which means goldsmith in Italian. My best memories from childhood are going to my grandfather's shop where he designed and handcrafted beautiful intricate pieces of jewelry. He was more than a jewelry maker; he was an artist. His shop was located in the center of Milan in the district where high value collectibles were made and traded. This district still exists today and there is even a Via Orefici running down the middle. Now I take my son, Nicholas, to the collectables district whenever we are in Milan as we move into the future together with our brand, OREFICI watches. As OREFICI has been passed down from one generation to the next in my family, I wish the same for you and your family.
Posted September 7, 2012
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