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Manual Functionality

In order for products to be automatically classified, Training-Sets have to be stored initially, on which base then a geometric comparison is conducted.

The following diagram shows the procedure at a glance:

Semi-automatic classing - Procedure

Semi-automatic classing - Procedure

[Note] Note

Semi-automatic classing and Classwizard have the same objectives, procedure and target group are slightly different.

  • Classification Wizard (call in PARTdataManager or CAD)

    • Moving or inserting single products / product families into an existing structure

    • Class suggestions based on existing products in target catalog

    • Assignment of class attributes during execution

    -> More user input required

    -> Understanding of structure required

  • Semi-automatic classing (GUI)

    • Moving of many products in existing structure

    • Class suggestions based on selected Training-Sets (structure may be empty; Training-Set can come from another catalog)

    • Automatic movement for best results (> minimum similarity) possible (theoretically for any number of parts at the same time)

    -> First time creation of training data by advanced user is required

    -> Execution may be done be everyone without deeper insights in structure (except from confirming of equivocal assignments)

  • Semiautomatic classing (Pipeline)

    • Moving or inserting of many products in existing structure (both with the help of previously created Training-Sets and existing products in structure)

    • Automatic movement or insertion for best results (> minimum similarity) possible (theoretically for any number or parts at the same time)

    • Copying of existing structure during the build-up of a new structure (Article Assignment)

    -> Usable for new creation of structure (e.g. with the help of Standard catalog)

    -> No user input required for updates (e.g. for 24h updates where new parts are automatically moved into an appropriate class, if found)

This chapter describes Semiautomatic Classing.