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Manual  Insert 3D - Part placement

If we are talking about the first object concerning the export part, which is exported in the frame of an assembly, or you are working in Solid Edge part or draft mode, placement occurs automatically.

If the part was exported in order to insert it into an assembly, further steps for integration are necessary.

Here in this example, a screw was exported in order to be inserted into the boring of a disc.

[Note] Note

Please note the program statements about placing a part.

First click on an element of the placement part.

Then select the target element in the target part. --> The selected elements are then optically highlighted. Confirm the placement.

Repeat this procedure as many times until the last placement.

Define an offset value for the insertion point if needed. --> This moves it on its axis (not yet defined by element selection).

Element marked in placement part and target element

Element marked in placement part and target element

The final adjustment is to be carried out with the usual Solid Edge functions (for example, moving, rotating, etc.).

Part placed

Part placed