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Manual Variables in the list view

Check or determine the specific characteristic via Variable values in the single list fields.

The list display contains the following columns:

Meaning of columns

Meaning of columns

  1. Symbol


    Fixed value

    The variable contains a non-changeable value.

    Several values available in list field

    Value set indirectly

    The displayed value is determined by a pinned value.

    Pinned value

    The value was pinned through or or a direct selection.

    All variable values of the entire list which are dependant on this value are identified by a checkmark.

  2. Name of variable

  3. Variable description

  4. Variable value

    The value can be changed via the list field (if possible at all).

    Choose value

    Choose value

  5. -Button

    By clicking on the value range selection dialog is opened. Here the variable value can be changed as well.

    Enter value

    Enter value

Under Abschnitt, „Ausprägung bestimmen in der Listenansicht“ you can find an example on this.