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Manual  Connect assemblies automatically

Connect assemblies automatically can be opened via the Assembly toolbar as well as via the Extras menu.

This command is only active for assemblies.

Assembly toolbar: Connect assemblies automatically

Assembly toolbar: Connect assemblies automatically

Extras menu: Connect assemblies automatically

Extras menu: Connect assemblies automatically

The Connect assemblies automatically command, automatically constructs a Configuration - after selecting the start element - similar to a template . In contrast to the template however, only insofar as the dimension of the uniqueness of the assembly elements allows.

Each connection point, which can be used for several specifications (according to the table) must still be assigned a specification. Only then can the respective symbol for the missing part (red font) disappear in the tree and the part can be taken over into the assembly (3D preview).

Automatically constructed assembly tree after selecting start element

Automatically constructed assembly tree after selecting start element