powered by CADENAS


Manual Export QR code

QR code (Quick Response) is available as export format.

Troublesome typing of links and information is not necessary anymore.

This feature can well be used in print catalogs. So CAD models can directly be downloaded from a print catalog in one single step.

In order to export the QR Code for a single project proceed as follows:

Call: Export menu -> Export in file -> Others -> QR Code

Export format: QR Code

Export format: QR Code

Settings on tabbed page QR options:

Information used in the input fields Base link, Link options and Text are embedded in the code. Part parameters such as $NN., $NT., $NB., $ALL_VISCOL. (all visible parameters), $ALL_COL. (all parameters), $ProjectPath. (project path) can be used.

There are two basic settings:

  • PARTcommunity link:

    If PARTcommunity link is selected, then base link, project path and link options are automatically combined.


    • Link PARTcommunity project

      Entry under Base link:


      No entry under Link options:

    • Link PARTcommunity project and line

      Entry under Base link:


      Entry under Link options:


  • Text:

    If Text is selected you can create any combination. This may be links or other texts as well, which shall be saved in the QR.


    Link to your own home page with order number BNR (from table)


Settings on tabbed page Export Options: See Section, “"Export options" tabbed page -> Export accuracy ”.

Batch export

You can export the QR Code for complete directories:

  • Call up PARTdataManager

    Right-click on the index tree -> Generate image data/preview images

  • Call up PARTproject

    Right-click in the index tree -> Output -> Generate image data/preview images -> export mode Export images

    (The dialog is the same like under PARTdataManager, but here no preview image is displayed.)

-> The Export images dialog box opens.

Select the export mode Export images.

"Default options" tabbed page

"Default options" tabbed page

Select the format QR Code.

"View / Export" tabbed page

"View / Export" tabbed page

Under Export select the target path and possibly adjust the presettings under Name of exported files.