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Select file to define the scene
The following scenes are made available in the selection list:
Show floor Compare example Fig. „Steel“.
Drop to floor: Compare example Fig. „Steel“.
To control the light reflection, you have the following settings:
Normal light, Low radiosity, Medium radiosity, Hight radiosity
Usually you leave this option in an deactivated state.
This function is needed for batch exports in order to prevent several renderers from being started at the same time.
If you do not want to edit the POV file later in POV-Ray, you may delete it.
If you do not activate the checkbox then you can define the rotation with your own values.
Values less than 100 zoom out of the image, greater ones zoom in.
If you do not activate the checkbox, then you can define your own values under Resolution.
When you activate the option, then enter your desired resolution under Resolution X and Resolution Y.
Threads: No threads, Only outer threads, Only inner threads, Only visible threads, All threads