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Manual Context menu of an assembly element

In the Assembly menu area, right-click the name of the desired part.

--> The respective context menu opens.

The following explains the individual menu points of the context menu for assembly elements:

  • Zoom : With this command the selected part is displayed with default size in the middle of the window.

  • Delete: ...removes the marked assembly components from the Assembly or 3D preview. The corresponding Table closes.

  • Transfer to PARTbom: ...transfers the part data to PARTbom. With PARTbom (bom = bill of material) you can combine part lists for orders of parts and assemblies.

    • Transparency : regulate the transparency of a body

      • fully visible

      • 25%

      • 50%

      • 75%

      • invisible

      • configure transparency... (See figure at right)

        Via the slide control you can set the transparency continuously.

    • All but this transparent...: ...turns all directory elements, except for the currently marked one, transparent.

    • All but this subtree transparent...: ...turns all directory elements, except for the currently marked one and its subdirectories, transparent.

    • Sub-group transparent…: ...turns all subdirectories of the currently marked element transparent.