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Manual  Color Search: The most important at a glance
Description of function

If colors have been used in catalogs for the part depiction, the Color Search can be used, either as only search method or in combination with other methods in order to enhance the result quality.


The Color Search contains two options: You can determine colors via color palette or load a picture, where the relevant colors are automatically scanned from. In the case of complicated dye distribution using an image file is advantageous.

  • Choose color directly:

    1. Select the Colors tabbed page.

      Color Search: tabbed page Colors

      Color Search: tabbed page Colors

    2. Select the desired color or color combination in the displayed list of the History section or select the desired color in the color range. (Multiple selection with Ctrl key).

      If you cannot find an appropriate color click on Add color and determine the adequate color in the color picking dialog box.

    3. Determine Tolerance.

      Tolerance is in relation to the difference of RGB value (Red, Ggreen, Blue)

      Example: When searching for the RGB value {230, 20, 20}, meaning a reddish color, with tolerance 10, the following colors are found.

      220   <= R <=  240 and
       10   <= G <=   30 and
       10   <= B <=   30

    4. Close dialog box Color Search by Commit.


      Takes over all changes and closes the dialog box.

      Start Color Search via Start search.

      Commit and Search

      Closes the dialog box and starts Color Search immediately.


      Closes the dialog box without saving any changes.

      -> The search results are listed below.

      In the "Colors" column you can see the percentage of searched color(s).

      In the "Colors" column you can see the percentage of searched color(s).

      [Note] Note

      Don't be confused if the preview image shows a different color.

      In the Colors column and in the Part view the correct searched part color is displayed.

      Column "Colors"

      Column "Colors"

  • Select image for color comparison:

    In the case of complicated dye distribution using an image file is advantageous.

    1. Select the Images tabbed page.

    2. Select the desired image file in the list under History.

      Or load an image file via Open image button, Explorer or insert an image file directly via From clipboard button. -> Then the image also appears in the History.

    3. Define the color picking mode:

      • Use whole image for search

        The best 4 colors are automatically calculated and are activated by default.

      • Select colors for search from image

        Select the search colors manually. For multiple selection press the Ctrl key.

    4. Close the Color Search dialog box with click on Commit or Commit and Search.

      -> The search results are listed below.