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Manual Caching client-sided

If the performance at secondary locations should be improved (especially with large assemblies/ZJVs) you can use RFS or SQUID.

  • Caching with Squid

    For external access from PARTsolutions to the PARTapplicationServer from secondary locations SQUID can be optionally installed. Squid is free software, which is installed at customer site.

    Squid is a proxy for caching, which supports HTTP, among others. Squid optimizes the data flow between client and server and chaches often used data (especially project and ZJV files). At large assemblies (also at native parts) the use of SQUID can improve the performance. Everything which has ever been loaded is in the local cache. In order to make sure that all files are always up-to-date, Squid checks this at each access.

  • Caching with RFS

    If using Squid would mean a disproportionate effort or is not necessary for performance reasons, RFS Caching can be an alternative. RFS works with UNC and therefore is a bit slower than HTTP+Squid.

    If you want to use RFS, under %CADENAS_USER%/partsolu.cfg, set the following entry:


    CacheSize is given in MB.

    CacheDir can be an UNC path wherewith you can realize a common caching.

[Note] Note

The cache can be initially filled via VBS scripting for certain catalogs. And via VBS command the files are nightly grabbed and copied in a temp-directory. Thereby the cache is filled.

[Note] Note

Caching only works, when the headquarter is online.

This is not a real restriction, because the headquarter has to be online for LinkDB calls anyway. Also using earlier versions, PARTsolutions cannot be used remotely without access to the headquarter server.