powered by CADENAS


Manual The keys in particular

Explanations on the single settings can be found in the comments of the cfg file.

In the following you can find an overview on the keys of the configuration file ifdscsapplm.cfg.

  • [PLM]

    Activation of the interface, declaration of vbb modules and used CAD systems, settings concerning the priority of part or assembly during checkin.

  • [ECTR] - communication section -


      As of V9.08 the key ECTR_Cache_Folder has been renamed to ECTR_SESS_DIR.

      #:HELP;default; The ECTR SESSION DIRECTORY (NX working folder).

      The key value is a path specification.

    • PLACEMENT_MACRO (NX specific)

      The path to the NX macro which is used by the NX interface in order to place parts via SAP placement dialog. Comment out to deactivate.

      Enter the same value in <ifugnx.cfg>, section [Interface], key placementmacro.


    • Path to the macro template, which is used to create the placement macro file. Comment out to deactivate.


    • At the key CREATE_AND_CHECKIN_PREVIEW the value range has been enhanced.

      Shall preview images be created and checked in?

      • 0: No

      • 1: Use preview images embedded in the NX file

      • 2: Use PARTsolutions preview images (default)

        [Note] Note

        When using this option, under <ifCADNAME.cfg> -> [interface] -> <Callback3d_Version> the value has to be set on ";attachmentLevel=1".


      Example with default value:



      The key name has been changed from "EXTRACT_AND_CHECKIN_JT" to "CHECKIN_JT" with version 9.08.

      Fetch JT file and check in. (The JT file has to be saved by the CAD system.)

      Value range 0/1

      • 0: No (default)

      • 1: Yes



    • JT file - Naming rule

      Default value is "%%PartFileNameWithoutExtension%%__MODEL.jt".


      Rule: Take part name without file extension and attach the postfix "__MODEL.jt".


      Screw.prt -> Screw__MODEL.jt


      This key has been added with V9.08.

      Set PLM_ID and transformation matrix on checkin?

      Value range: 0/1

      • 0: No (default)

      • 1: Yes



  • [ECTR] - ReturnCheck-Section -


    The key ERROR_PATH has been added with V9.08.



    Default value is "<FUNCTION><RESULTS><RESULT><ERROR>$".

  • [CreationOptions(is3d)]

    • Poolpath

      NEVER change the poolpath!

      The poolpath is entirely under control of the iface. But TEMP_CREATION_FOLDER and ECTR_SESS_DIR have to be set correctly.


    • cmd_line_escape_chars

      This key has been added with V9.08.

      Enter the characters that need to be escaped in your environment to work in batch files separated by comma (,).

      Default is "%".



  • [AttributeMapping(is3d)]

    Declare the needed sections (see below) according to customs:

    Attr_Content_00 = XML_CHECKOUT
    Attr_Section_00 = XML_CHECKOUT
    Attr_Content_01 = XML_CREATE_MATERIAL
    Attr_Section_01 = XML_CREATE_MATERIAL
    Attr_Content_02 = XML_CREATE_DOCUMENT
    Attr_Section_02 = XML_CREATE_DOCUMENT
    Attr_Content_03 = XML_CHECKIN
    Attr_Section_03 = XML_CHECKIN
    Attr_Content_05 = XML_CHECKOUT_NEW
    Attr_Section_05 = XML_CHECKOUT_NEW

    The AttributeMapping sections, which start with "[XML_", are used to control the different working steps of the interface.

    RETURN MAPPING: Interface -> [AttributeMapping]

    The placeholders in the attributes are replaced by the respective values by the interface.


      Values can be fetched from the PLMTABLE2 or alternatively from a PARTsolutions column for example and be set in the PDM.


      Currently uncommented, because not in use.

      Do not change, unless with expert know-how.

      Keys enclosed with $ characters are placeholders, which are found in the XML templates.


      Input data for the document creation in SAP.

      At all keys, set the desired values.


      The values are set by the interface. Do not change, unless with expert know-how.


      [Caution] Caution

      NEVER change the following two keys:

      • $IsNotASM$(is3dasm)=?""

      • $IsNotASM$(NOT is3dasm)=?"1"

      The following 6 keys are set by the interface. NEVER change or rename !!!

      • $CS_TYPE$=?""

      • $CS_NUMBER$=?""

      • $CS_PART$=?""

      • $CS_VERSION$=?""

      • $CS_ITEMNO$=?""

      • $CS_QTY$=?""


      The keys of this section are completely under control of the interface. NEVER change or rename !!!


      Via section [LINKDB_RETURN_MAPPING] you can add data to the link database (PLINKDB).


      Possible values for <TABLE>: ERPTABLE or LINKTABLE

      Possible values for <COLUMN>: All columns except ERP_PDM_NUMBER

      <VALUE>: The value whereon the parameter <TABLE>.<COLUMN> is set.

      This can contain placeholders such as %MATNR%, which will be replaced by the PDM interface by the correct value.


      part1_%MATNR%_part2 is replaced by part1_12345_part2.

      As of version 9.08 the number and the way of declaration of placeholders has changed.

      Supported placeholders are:

      {%dis-number%, %dis-type%, %dis-version%, %dis-part%, %matnr%, %dis-dtype%}



      At columns of the type "varchar" the whole <value> expression has to be enclosed with quotation marks ('...'). This is necessary for correct SQL queries:



  • [CalcName]


    The key has been added with version V9.08.

    The key is needed for "Escaping" in the XML file.
