powered by CADENAS


Manual User interface

For all CAD systems, under PARTadmin -> Category -> PARTsolutions -> CAD integration -> specific CAD system, the tabbed page AttributeMapping(3D/2D/native) is displayed. In the corresponding configuration file the respective block name is "AttributeMapping".

[Note] Note

On this tabbed page normally you don't have to make extensive changes, unless you want to create another tabbed page. Especially because of this the logic of structure is described.

Otherwise you control the language of PARTsolutions default attributes with the value of the "Attr_CopyFrom" key (on this see the next section under Attr_CopyFrom).

PARTadmin -> Category -> PARTsolutions -> CAD integration: Fig. exemplified for Inventor

PARTadmin -> Category -> PARTsolutions -> CAD integration: Fig. exemplified for Inventor

PARTadmin -> Category -> PARTsolutions -> Configuration files -> $CADENAS_SETUP -> if<cadname>.cfg: Fig. exemplified for Inventor

PARTadmin -> Category -> PARTsolutions -> Configuration files -> $CADENAS_SETUP -> if<cadname>.cfg: Fig. exemplified for Inventor

Here you can adjust the following:

  • Transfer of PARTsolutions default attributes:

    Shall the PARTsolutions default attributes be transferred to the CAD system?

    If yes, in which language(s). (About language variants see under Section, “Export standard attributes in several languages ”.)

    [Note] Note

    If all PARTsolutions Standard attributes shall be transferred in the default language, you don't have to perform any changes.

    If needed, certain attributes can be excluded.[a]

    Standard value in the key "Attr_CopyFrom_01":


    You can exclude attributes by using the parameters var_exclude and var_visbile=1:

    • var_visible=1 tells the interface that only visible attributes have to be processed.

    • With var_exclude certain attributes of an ignore list can be assigned and specifically excluded.

    Example: The variable A is explicitly set to the ignore list.


    On the level of configuration file there are further options: The expression can only be applied to certain catalogs.



    [a] For example, if errors arise in the CAD when transferring system attributes (e.g. "Material").

  • Declaration of other tab pages:

    Per default some tab pages are defined,[35] which are used to set custom attributes and in addition for some cad systems special attributes which are displayed in special dialogs in the CAD system.

    If needed further tab pages can be declared.

[35] In Fig. „ PARTadmin -> Category -> PARTsolutions -> CAD integration: Fig. exemplified for Inventor“ these are the "CadDocumentAttributes" and "SummaryInformation" tab pages for example. "SummaryInformation" has been translated with "Expanded attributes settings 2". Hereto see "Translations" category.