powered by CADENAS


Manual Structure of the block "AttributeMapping(is3d)"

In the following the structure of the AttributeMapping(is3d) if<cadname>.cfg block is described.

  • The block AttributeMapping(is3d) contains sections (here a group of keys is meant). The single sections are incremented with 00[36],01, 02, etc.

  • Structure of a section:

    • Attr_Content (optional; "Attr_Content" or "Attr_CopyFrom" must be declared, or both)

      The key value refers to a same-named block in the configuration file.[37]

      PARTadmin -> Category Configuration files -> Configuration file if<cadname>.cfg

      PARTadmin -> Category Configuration files -> Configuration file if<cadname>.cfg

      In the added block (tab page) "CadDocumentAttributes" custom or CAD-specific attributes can be declared.

      If the value is not set the content can be specified by „CopyFrom“. If both ("CopyFrom" and "Content") is specified the content of both is merged in form of a list.

    • Attr_CopyFrom (optional; "Attr_Content" or "Attr_CopyFrom" must be given)

      If the key exists and contains a value then this means that the PARTsolutions default attributes are transferred to the CAD system.

      The following values are possible:

      • default: The attributes are transferred in the $CADENAS_LANGUAGE.

      • set language (german, english, french, etc.): The default attributes are transferred in the set language.

        [Note] Note

        If in the set language there is no translation available in the given language then no attribute is transferred (nor the one from $CADENAS_LANGUAGE language).

      • No entry: No default attributes will be transferred. (In order to transfer certain attributes, please see the information in the following chapters.

      [Note] Note

      The set of several languages is also possible. In some CAD systems this is already default. In other CAD systems the needed keys have to be added.

      Attr_Section_02="The respective system key"
      Attr_Section_03="The respective system key"
      Attr_Section_04="The respective system key"

      See Section, “Edit blocks and keys”.

    • Attr_Section

      A system key (the target [e.g. tabbed page] in the CAD), which must not be modified.

    • Attr_Prefix (optional)

      A prefix can be used (e.g. CNS_). If several languages are transferred then using prefixes for differentiation makes sense in any case.

[36] The first counter may be 00 or 01.

[37] In the following figure this is exemplified by "CadDocumentAttributes".