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Manual  Display condition for parts selection - Colored catalog index - plinkgroups.cfg -> Block [Role_name] -> Key "CONDITIONTREE"

Directories and projects in the catalog index are colored in green or semi-transparent according to the condition under Display condition for parts selection.[72] Green means that at least one row in a project meets the condition under CONDITIONTREE or Display condition for parts selection. Green is transferred to the top (on all hierarchically higher directories). Semi-transparent means that no row of any project meets the condition.

Catalog index with green and semi-transparent directories and projects

Catalog index with green and semi-transparent directories and projects

When activating the preferred rows function via button Preferred rows on/off all semi-transparent projects and directories are hidden.


Setting in configuration file $CADENAS_SETUP/plinkgroups.cfg

[Note] Note

Please use SQL syntax for this setting.


Meaning: The ERP number is not equal empty, in other words available AND the column ACTIVE_STATE has the value 1 (= released).

Setting under PARTadmin -> category Roles -> tabbed page General -> Display condition for parts selection

[Note] Note

No entry in the key CONDITIONTREE or Display condition for parts selection is according to:


[Note] Note

Display condition for parts selection only works, if there are parts with ERP number in the respective directories!

-> Effect in PARTdataManager:

If the filter Preferred rows on/off is activated then only those directories and projects are displayed which contain parts which meet the condition, thus the green ones.

Preferred rows function off: All directories and projects are displayed.

Preferred rows function off: All directories and projects are displayed.

Preferred rows function on:

Preferred rows function on:

More examples:

[Note] Note

For the declaration of the column also state the table in addition (ERPTABLE or LINKTABLE).

You can find the corresponding table in the Configure dialog box.



  • 1

    With '1' the whole tree is displayed in green color without restrictions.


    Only directories are displayed, which contain parts with prices lower or equal than 0.8.


    Only directories are displayed, which contain parts with ERP numbers.


    Only directories are displayed, which contain parts, where an ERP number has been assigned and which contain an entry in the PRICE3 column.


    Only directories are displayed, which contain parts, where an ERP number has been assigned and which contain an entry in the PRICE3 column.

Interaction with other settings

  • If the option under PARTlinkManager -> Extras menu -> Configure ERP environment -> Assign linked parts in the parts selection is deactivated, a plain-colored index tree is displayed.

    If the option is activated, in the index tree, you can find a green/semi-transparent display according to the definition on the tabbed page General under Display condition for parts selection. The setting in the key COLORCONDITIONTREE or under Status colors for catalog index overrides and possibly results in a multi-colored index tree (see Section, “ Status colors for catalog index - plinkgroups.cfg -> Block [Role_name] -> Key "COLORCONDITIONTREE<number>" ”.

    Assign linked parts in the parts selection

    Assign linked parts in the parts selection

    "Assign linked parts in the parts selection" deactivated: Result in PARTdataManager:

    "Assign linked parts in the parts selection" deactivated: Result in PARTdataManager:

  • If under tabbed page Display -> Status colors for catalog index settings are made, then the red-green coloring is suspended. Then the catalog index can be multicolored. See under Section 5.11.3, “Tabbed page "Display" ”.

    [Note] Note

    The function of the button Preferred rows on/off is further available according to the condition set under Display condition for parts selection.

    The above mentioned setting Assign linked parts in the parts selection is also suspended then, because it only refers to the standard red-green setting.

    The following matrix shows the relations:


    Settings under PARTadmin -> category Roles -> Tabbed page Display -> Status colors for catalog index (the setting under Assign linked parts in the parts selection doesn't matter)

    [compare role "location" in the demo environment]

    No settings under PARTadmin -> category Roles -> Tabbed page Display -> Status colors for catalog index

    [compare role "ecat" in the demo environment]

    Assign linked parts in the parts selection: Activated Multicolored index tree Green/semi-transparent index tree according to the condition under PARTadmin -> category Roles -> Tabbed page General -> Display condition for parts selection
    Assign linked parts in the parts selection: Deactivated Multicolored index tree Plain-colored index tree

    The following figure shows a multicolored index tree according to the settings under Display tabbed page -> Status colors for catalog index section. See Section 5.11.3, “Tabbed page "Display" ”.

[Tip] Tip

Normally it makes sense to use the same condition for Preferred ranges and Display condition for parts selection. See Section, “ Preferred ranges - plinkgroups.cfg -> Block [Role_name] -> Key "PREFRANGE" ”.

Example: Preferred ranges and Display condition for parts selection both require the existence of an ERP number.

Example: Preferred ranges and Display condition for parts selection both require the existence of an ERP number.

[72] Settings under COLORCONDITIONTREE or Status colors for catalog index override and possibly result in a multi-colored index tree (see Section, “ Status colors for catalog index - plinkgroups.cfg -> Block [Role_name] -> Key "COLORCONDITIONTREE<number>" ”).

If the option under PARTlinkManager -> Extras menu -> Configure ERP environment -> Assign linked parts in the parts selection is deactivated, then the index tree is displayed plain-colored.